We are doing our best to comply with Government COVID safety guidelines to make your darkroom experience as safe as possible. In line with this, we encourage everyone coming to us to take a lateral flow test in advance. Please make sure you have read and agree to adhere to our safety precautions before your visit.

Induction £35 (Free for Silver Bromide & Platinum Members)

All darkroom members must complete an Induction session. Our skilled technicians will explain how all our specialist equipment works and make sure that you understand the dos and don'ts of working in our shared space.

Note: This is not a printing workshop and should only be booked by those buying Resin Coated membership. If you are purchasing our Silver Bromide or Platinum membership, the cost of this Induction is included in your bundle and you should e-mail us to say which date you wish to complete it.

Book here

Guided Access session for darkroom members £70

This guided access session, led by one of Darkroom’s experienced technicians, is an opportunity for members who might be struggling with certain aspects of their darkroom practice.

If you are having problems processing films; unclear about contrast filtration; can’t set the masking frame to give you the right borders, or struggling with dodging and burning, then this is for you.

In this four-hour session you will make prints as usual, but with the opportunity to ask one of our experienced technicians questions about anything you are struggling with. You will go away with a new level of confidence to bring back with you to the darkroom in future.

No question is off the table!

Book here