Lights, camera, action!

Darkroom has been involved in two very different film shoots over the past couple of weeks.

First we were approached by Oxford Scientific Films who are making Murder in the Pacific a dramatised documentary about the Rainbow Warrior. The Greenpeace ship was sabotaged by French secret service agents at anchor in New Zealand while en route to monitoring French nuclear testing in the Pacific Ocean in 1985. This three-part series for the BBC will air next year and cover the sinking and the ensuing diplomatic scandal.

Darkroom was approached to help recreate the darkroom Fernando Pereira, the Portuguese photographer who drowned when he went back to the ship to retrieve his equipment, had on board the Rainbow Warrior. To achieve shot paper was exposed at Darkroom HQ in Camden and then securely transported to the studio in Peckham, where a makeshift darkroom had been constructed. The image developed perfectly, and you can watch it for yourself here.

The second shoot was a music promo for new Def Jam signing Tendai. Directors Ethan & Tom from Academy Films wanted to incorporate shots that revealed the production process of the film and stills shoot they had done the previous week with the singer. Darkroom was turned into a studio and founder Phil Grey was called on to perform the various stages of the printing process while the camera rolled. The song is called Time of our Lives and you can watch it here…